DUI Lawyer
If you have been arrested for a DUI in Florida, it’s time to contact Stacey Bartlett with Bartlett Law Offices. At Bartlett Law Offices, it is our goal to help you understand your rights. Penalties for DUI’s in Florida can be far-reaching, so it’s important to hire a quality and knowledgeable firm to represent you.
DUI Penalties
- Adjudication of Guilt
- Substantial Monetary Fines
- DUI School
- Participate in a Victim Impact Panel (VIP)
- Probation
- Jail Time
First-Offense DUI

- Challenging the arresting officer's probable cause to stop your vehicle.
- Attacking the results of a breathalyzer or other blood alcohol content test through forensic analysis and testimony.
- Negotiating the reduction of the charges down to careless driving or reckless driving.
License Suspension
Your driver’s license will be automatically suspended after a DUI arrest if your breath or blood alcohol level exceeds the legal limit. In addition, your license will be suspended if you refuse to take a blood alcohol test or a urine test. Bartlett Law Offices can assist you in getting a hardship license and/or in finding avenues to challenge the suspensions.
OUR DUI Experience

- DUI License Restoration
- DUI Defense
- DUI Breath Tests
- DUI Manslaughter
- DUI Penalties
- Field Sobriety Tests
- Driving While License Suspended
- Fleeing to Elude
- Habitual Traffic Offender
- Leaving the Scene of an Accident
- No Valid Driver’s License
- Racing on The Highway
- Reckless Driving
- Vehicular Homicide
- Boating Under the Influence
- Overturning Driver’s License Suspensions and Citations
We understand the seriousness of DUI arrests in Florida. We cannot promise it will be easy, but at Bartlett Law Offices, we are committed to making the process as smooth as possible.